


Far from the Imperial Capital, the Zephrlands has been the first stop for criminals and dissidents seeking to evade the hammer of imperial law. 

Ever since the Shattering, the Zephrland's has been chronically wracked with invasion, civil war and proxy fighting goaded on by external powers.

But foreigners and endless war aren't the only dangers in this war-torn land. Legions of Devils and their mortal Kamori Islander followers invade from the Shattered Sea, seeking slaves, plunder and sacrifices for their dark gods. To the south, a terrible fungal plague hypothesized by many techno-clerics within the Church of Raziel to be an ancient bio-weapon, has escaped from its containment facility, poisoning the lands of the Madmist swamp, turning the infected into slavering thralls to some greater hivemind. Worst still, the black draconic tyrant Onyxgore and his brood has succumbed to this affliction and slaughters all who enter this blighted land. 

But the deadliest killer are the elements themselves. Every hour, the cloud giants of Clan CloudStar labor to restore the byzantine Extra Planar Communications Network in their temple atop Mount Cylon in the hopes of calling their god Zephyrus back to Sanctum. But futile are their efforts which ravage the lands below with supernatural storms of wind, rain and ice.

The Zephrlands weren't always troubled like this. During the Age of Heaven, the province was a rustic paradise for tourists seeking an escape from monotony in the city and for well-to-do suburban cogineers working for CloudStar Telecom to live as they labored to maintain the servers and mainframe of the Extra Planar Communications Network.

Today the Zephrlands is a land of storms, whose very bedrock is stained with the blood of patriots, conquers and genocide against the innocent. So be wary traveler, keep your sword close and your wits sharp. For the only currencies in this troubled land are steel, faith and dragonpowder.
