The Scourge of Edem

Three-hundred years ago the gnomish Prince of Cogsdeep, Bobert Bob Bobbins the Brave led an expedition to find a trade route to the Kingdom of Nefret in the far east. A desperate gambit into the unknown to bypass the horde of invaders ransacking their neighbor the Edem Empire.

But instead of finding a new route to the far east, Bobert Bob Bobbins returned home with the discovery of a new world, the legendary continent of Stahl once thought lost to be the embellishment of myth.

With assistance from new allies and trade routes. The nations of Cogsmark and the Edem Empire drove off the invaders spearheaded by the draconic tyrannies of Dracovia, the Orco hordes and the former mega-corp turned dictatorship, Vesuvius Steel at horrendous loss of life.

Suffering the brunt of the invasion, the Edem Empire was left as a war ravaged shell of its former self with over half of its people dead. But from the ashes of destruction a new order emerged. The power of the Four Churches and the Old Nobility waned while trade with the New World uplifted a new upper class of merchants, industrialists and wizards.

A renaissance swept across the entire continent of Exodia as knowledge and technology once thought lost was rediscovered. For three-hundred years, the Realms of Exodia have basked in an age of enlightenment with the Edem Empire at the forefront of freedom, hope and prosperity.

But time and decadence has made powerful men complacent. Pride rules over truth as the light of reason sets into the darkness of dogma and superstition.

Across all of Edem, a secular cabal of wizards, industrialists and public servants forge self-serving deals with foreign adversaries and evils from beyond the material plane. Their ambition? To secure the absolute power needed to create a new Age of Heaven with their cabal of despots ruling as living gods.

Wicked men with evil hearts have infiltrated every pillar and institution of Edem's great empire. But for all their victories an obstacle remains. Though her mortal form as the First Empress is long dead, the Archangel of Justice, Ariel still lives in the blood of her grandchildren, reincarnating in the form of great heroine whenever a great evil threatens Edem and her chosen people. An unfortunate hurdle to progress that can only be crushed with the extermination of every trunk and branch of her bloodline spread throughout the world.

And it is in these dark days ruled by tyrants, dragons and men who call themselves god that our story begins.
