

Possessing enormous mineral and petroleum wealth while locked between five world powers. The Shelba is a perpetual battleground between the gnomes of Cogsmark Industries and their ex-corporate rivals, the fire giants of Vesuvius Incorporated. A forever war which has attracted the interest of the Edem, Dracovian, Orco empires.

The Shelba has long been a central point of trade and commerce as a critical part of the ‘Jade Road,’ an overland trade route that links the economies of the east and west. A role in the Exodia’s geopolitics which has grown even more vital since the (re)discovery of the once mythical new world of Stahl and the construction of the Bobert Bob Bobinson Tramway which links the great ports of Dawnlake with the gnomish capital of Cogsdeep. A development which has become a lucrative windfall for pirates harbored in the Ziphos Islands as exotic goods and magitech are exported from Cogsdeep through the Alymrost Sea.

But despite pirates, conflicting imperial interests, demonic incursions from Thracamir, raids by  semi-nomadic Orco hordes and extortion from corrupt cartels and city states. Trade through the Shelba is still a far safer proposition than overland travel through the Zephrlands which is also plagued by constant Kamori raids, unnaturally horrendous weather and worse.

A bridge and boarderland for all of Exodia. The Shelba is a land of diverse peoples and cultures. A place where even race rivals such as elves and hobgoblins can find themselves united by the common need of survival as often as they fight among themselves!
