


At the very heart of Exodia is the dark forest of Thracamir. Once the shining city of Tordel, a rich sub-city outside the capital. Tordel was once home to some of the richest and most influential gods and mortals to ever grace the old empire. However, when the Crimson Crusade, a nefarious alliance between demon and devil came to invade the world of Sanctum. They first tempted an already decadent Tordel with promises of a world remade in their image. A world cleansed of unsightly plebs whose mere existence consumed that which belonged to their betters.

While the devils of the Nine hells would invade through the Twilight Gates, a demonic trans-dimensional gateway in the heart of the capital,  Deastarte. The demons of the Eternal Abyss would stage their invasion through the Tower of Terror in the heart of Tordel. 

Realizing not even the combined might of High Heaven, Feyhinter and the Mortal Plane had any hope of stopping the full weight of both the Hells and the Abyss. The Grand Alliance of Sanctum launched an all out attack on Tordel to destroy the Tower of Terror before it was completed.

The Siege of Tordel was the longest and bloodiest battle of the entire war, only surpassed by the century long Siege of Deastarte. Hundreds of millions of Alliance soldiers died in the savage street and tunnel fighting. Not even the gods were spared as four arch-fey, two elven gods and countless other lesser deities were also slain in combat.

The Tower of Terror would be partially sealed by the alliance. But even in victory the battle of Tordel has never truly ceased. Demons and their worshipers still sulk in the ruins as do the countless war dead touched by dark magic. But worst of all is the drow who have carved a malevolent empire in the underdark dedicated to their dark goddess, the Widowed Queen who plots against her ex-husband Orioth.

Today, the ruins of Tordel have been reclaimed by nature. But even ten-thousand years later, the danger posed by the Tower of Terror is so great that nine chapters of Wolf Angels and a hundred ranger conclaves surround the tower to contain the demons in the Sunken Sea. But even against impossible odds, Thracamir’s defenders endure, blessed by the spirits of fallen gods lost in battle ages ago.
